Aggressive Aquarium Fish Top 10

The Oscar is an aggressive fish. The Snakehead is an invasive, aggressive fish. The Red bellied Piranha is the most aggreessive fish.

Aggressive aquarium fish

Aquarium hobbyists often make the mistake of keeping wrong tank mates that often fight or kill the other fish. It happens when you keep an aggressive fish in the aquarium. Aggressive aquarium fish are often carnivorous and eat other small fish in the tank. You may be keeping this aggressive fish for fun or not knowing in the first place that they are aggressive.

So here are the top 10 aggressive aquarium fish that you need to know about.


Number 10, Arowana

Arowana are freshwater bone tongue fish as you might already know. They can swallow fish or other creatures that are smaller than their mouth size or that fits in their mouth. Arowana are carnivorous and surface feeders. They originate from South America and often called water monkeys because they jump up to 6ft above water to catch insects and other creatures. Arowana species typically grow to around 2 to 3 ft. In captivity and are aggressive fish that eats smaller goldfish, insects or even small rats.

Redtail Catfish

Number 9, Redtail Catfish

Redtail Catfish are another extremely popular fish in Amazonian themed exhibit where they are housed with another such large fish like Pacu or similar larger catfish. They can grow to large size very quickly and are best kept in aquariums of 2600 US gallon or large outdoor ponds when they grow to adult size. Redtail Catfish can easily swallow common tetras when juvenile and when they grow up they can swallow fish that fit in their mouth.

The Oscar

Number 8, Oscar Fish

Oscar fish are another aggressive fish in the list. They lay to claim an area of the aquarium and will be very aggressive towards other fish encroaching on their newly established territory inside the aquarium or lake. The species uses a suction mechanism to capture prey and reported to exhibit laying on side mimicry to approach its prey. Captive Oscars generally eat fish food designed for large carnivorous fish like crayfish, worms, and insects (such as flies, crickets and grasshoppers).

Paroon Shark

Number 7 Paroon Shark

Paroon Shark or giant pangasius are also aggressive fish that are critically endangered. Full-grown adults can reach 300 centimeters (9.8 ft) SL in length and weigh up to 300kg. Juveniles and adults feed on crustaceans and fishes. So they need large aquariums or pond and are kept with large tank mates because any smaller fish that fit their mouth will be swallowed by the Paroon Shark.

Alligator Gar

Number 6, Alligator Gar

Alligator Gar are the largest species in the gar family and are among the largest freshwater species in North America. Reports suggest they can grow up to 10 ft that is 3 m in length, and weigh as much as 159 kg. Alligator gar are relatively passive, seemingly sluggish solitary fish, but are voracious ambush predators. They lunge forward, and with a sweeping motion, grab their prey, impaling it on their double rows of sharp teeth.

Wolf fish

Number 5, Wolf fish

As you can see wolf fish are another aggressive or predatory fish that can eat other small fishes in the aquarium. Their mouth are full of rows of sharp teeth which they uses to capture the prey and eventually swallow them as a whole. Here you can see how it is positioning the prey fish and swallowing it and Fish could just say lol from the mouth.


Number 4, Snakehead

They are valuable as a food source and have become notorious as an intentionally released invasive species. That is they cause destruction in large number and the absence of natural enemies gives them apex predator status. Each spawning age female can release up to 15,000 eggs. Since 2002, it has been illegal to possess a live snake head in many US states, where they are considered a destructive invasive species. They are aggressive fish and attack and eat smaller or larger fish in the aquarium.

Vampire fish

Number 3, Vampire Fish

Vampire Fish or Payara is an aggressive aquarium fish. This predatory fish is found in the Amazon Basin in tropical South America. The payara, which is also sold as the saber tooth barracuda, vampire fish, vampire tetra, or saber tusk barracuda, is a popular species for large, aggressive aquariums. It requires a large aquarium and can only be mixed with relatively large species, as smaller will be seen as potential prey.

Goliath Tiger fish

Number 2, Goliath Tiger fish

This is an african freshwater predatory fish found in the Congo River basin. It is carnivorous fish, feeding on any fish it can overpower. It is very aggressive even when it is juvenile. Goliath Tiger fish can grow to 1. 5 metres and weighing as much as 50 kilograms. A number of incidents have been reported in The Congo of this fish attacking humans. According to locals living near the river, the evil spirit “mbenga” would enter the fish and make it attack people. Now that is very strange.

Red Bellied Piranha

Number 1, Red-bellied Piranha

Number 1 in the list is the Red-bellied Piranha. Through media influence, the red-bellied piranha has developed a reputation as a ferocious predator, though this is not actually the case. They are a popular aquarium fish. However their jaw bone is packed with razor sharp teeth. In groups of about 30 or more they can eat a whole chicken in a minutes. These fish also attack fish or animals larger than themselves and are so considered as highly aggressive fish.

That’s it for this video I hope you liked it, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends and relatives and comment about your most aggressive fish if any different one you have. Bye and take care and Thanks for Watching.

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