Tropical Fish

Top 6 Intermediate Aquarium Fish

Intermediate Aquarium Fish

There’ll come a day in your fish keeping hobby when you want to move beyond beginner fish and delve into something a little more challenging. So today we’re going to look at some intermediate aquarium fish species that have at least one factor that is outside the norm of your typical beginner fish. Whether it’s temperament temperature or another factor that you do have to keep in mind when taking care of these fish. So let us take a look at some species that you might want to consider keeping if you’re looking to up your fish keeping game to the next level.

Keeping Discus

Well, in the past Discus were considered extremely difficult to keep due to their softer water requirements. Back when i was in my teen years, which was a long time ago, you’d hear about fish keepers running their water through peat moss in order to soften it up. However, these days most discus are captive bred. So they are well adjusted to the harder water conditions that many of us start out with. But still these are really not much of a beginner fish.

While these fish are well adjusted you will need to keep in mind that Discus will need a higher temperature of at least 82 degrees and above. And this also affects the tank mates that you can keep with these fish as well, because not many fish like to Tolerate the higher temperature range. But there are a couple of fish I do like to keep with Discus like Rams and Cardinal Tetras.

Keeping Goodeids

So let’s head to the opposite end of the temperature spectrum and talk about Goodeids. While these fish are not particularly hard to keep, they are highly endangered due to habitat destruction in their native Mexico.

These fish are livebearers. But they are slightly different than your typical Guppy or Swordtail, with the females having a 60-day gestation period and having fewer young. A lot of times less than 10.. When keeping Goodeids it is extremely important to keep the location information and keep fish of different locations and different species separate in order to preserve these fish for future generations. Because you never know you might be the only person who has this fish left in the hobby.

You’ll also have to keep in mind with keeping Goodeids that you do need to keep the temperature lower and not let it get above 75 degrees. If the temperature gets too hot for an extended period of time. Most Goodeid species will fall apart and you’ll end up losing your fish. Even though Goodeid might have their challenges in terms of temperature.I have found keeping Goodeids a very rewarding and pleasurable experience.

Keeping african cichlids

So let’s go ahead and take a look at Rift Lake african cichlids. Of which there are numerous like the aforementioned Goodeids. Most of these fish are not terribly difficult to keep. But there is one issue that you need to deal with when you’re keeping these types of fish. And that is aggression. These african cichlids will keep you on your toes when it comes to aggression. To help curb aggression, you’ll need to set up line of sight blocks. With either tall rock work, fake or live plants or any other item that does block the site from one end of the tank to the other.

This allows a fish that is potentially being bullied to move out of the way and out of sight of its pursuer. So thus lowering the aggression level in the tank. You will also have to keep in mind that these fish do produce a lot more waste than your typical freshwater community fish. So having adequate filtration is essential. But with due diligence and a little bit of planting, you can have plenty of success with keeping african cichlids

Keeping bettas

Speaking of aggression, you can also start a Betta sorority as well. Much like african cichlids, you’ll have to keep an eye out for the aggression from Betta females very similar to the african cichlid tank. You’ll need to set up a heavily planted tank with plenty of hiding spots and plenty of line of sight blocks.

A Betta sorority will require you to be observant as a fish keeper. As well keeping an eye out for any fish that are being too aggressive or fish that are being harassed. And then making the appropriate decision to remove either the aggressor or the fish that’s being picked on. But with proper diligence and attention to detail, you can be successful with a Better sorority.

Monster fish

The last fish I do want to touch on here are monster fish. A lot of people get into keeping these fish because of their personality.

These fish are highly intelligent and highly interactive with their owners. But there are some significant things that you do need to keep in mind when keeping these large aggressive fish. First of all, these fish get incredibly large. So you’ll need to invest in a large tank with large filtration. And also these fish are extremely aggressive and will need to be kept to that large tank by themselves. Or in a pair group. Their aggression level and level of expense with their tank size and adequate filtration does make them quite a bit of a challenge. But if these are a fish you enjoy, and you enjoy the interaction with these fish, it’s definitely worth the effort and expense.

Puffer fish

Another great intermediate option is larger Puffer fish. I personally have not kept Puffers, but they do offer a unique challenge. Their behavior is much like monster fish where they’re wet pets and very interactive with their owners. You do need to keep in mind, however, that puffers continually need to be fed food with hard shells in order to wear their teeth down. They’re much like rodents where they have to constantly chew to keep their teeth from becoming ingrown.

Some of these fish also become very large and require a large tank size and a rather large food bill. But the great personality of these fish definitely makes it worth it.

Foods for aquarium fish

Source : Youtube

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