
How to Breed Bristlenose Plecos

6 years ago admin 0
Breeding Bristlenose Bristlenose Breeding breeding bristlenose. So today we are going to talk about breeding bristlenose. Now I know I’ve been doing multiple videos on breeding so you are thinking what makes you the sex expert. Well I have no idea. I just know a little bit and I’m just gonna try to share with Read More

It is Very easy to Breed Some Marine Fish

6 years ago admin 0
Some marine fish are very easy to breed It is Very easy to Breed Some Marine Fish. This is a Banga, a cardinal and it’s a mouth brooding fish. And this particular one has got a full big gullet, full of either eggs or babies. So these fish are very very commonly Read More

Aggressive Aquarium Fish Top 10

6 years ago admin 0
The Oscar is an aggressive fish. The Snakehead is an invasive, aggressive fish. The Red bellied Piranha is the most aggreessive fish. Aggressive aquarium fish Aquarium hobbyists often make the mistake of keeping wrong tank mates that often fight or kill the other fish. It happens when you keep an aggressive fish in the aquarium. Read More

Thoughts On The Fishkeeping Hobby

6 years ago admin 0
The Fishkeeping Hobby Fishkeeping. We’re going to start out by looking at my Gourami tank here. But we will probably make our way around the room a little bit and look at a few different tanks. I just wanted to share some thoughts about the hobby of fish keeping. And I use the word hobby Read More

What to Feed Your Fish

6 years ago admin 0
What to Feed Your Fish Fish food, fish food, fish food all fish need to eat food. Before I turn this into like some weird kind of haiku poem let’s go ahead and take a look at some of the stuff that I feed my fish right now and we also have a little package Read More

Beginner Rainbow Fish Top Five

6 years ago admin 0
Top 5 Beginner Rainbow fish Today we’re going to be looking at the top 5 best beginner rainbow fish. Or basically just an excuse for me to film some rainbow fish. So stay tuned. We’ll start out real quick with just some real easy basic tips on how to get the best color from your Read More

Online Selling Is Killing the Aquatic Hobby and Industry

6 years ago admin 0
Is Online Selling Killing the Aquatic Industry and Fishkeeping Hobby? Is online selling of aquarium goods killing the industry? This is a question that is coming up more and more frequently within aquatic community and I don’t mean people selling online corals. I am talking about the dry goods such as filters, aquariums things like Read More

The Mbuna Aquarium

6 years ago admin 0
About Mbunas Mbunas, are the perfect fish for beginners. Their colors are flamboyant, breeding is easy, they are robust and, above all, intelligent. Today, we’re talking about Mbunas. First of all, what is an Mbuna? In the dialect of the Tonga people of Lake Malawi, Mbuna means “rock fish”. Mbuna is a term used to Read More

The Frontosa Aquarium

6 years ago admin 0
  <h2>The Frontosa</h2> The Cyphotilapia, otherwise known as the Frontosa, are one of the most renowned african cichlids. As aquarists, we love it’s peaceful behavior and can’t help but be intrigued by the special shape. For yearS the Frontosa has been the emblem of my local fish store. Today we will be talking about the Read More