
Breeding Mouthbrooder Fish

11 months ago admin 0
Mouthbrooder fish Mouthbrooder fish are a popular choice for many aquarium enthusiasts, as they are relatively easy to care for and breed. There are many different species of mouthbrooder fish available, so there is sure to be one to suit your aquarium. These fish are easy to breed as they do not require any special Read More

Top 6 Intermediate Aquarium Fish

3 years ago admin 0 Intermediate Aquarium Fish There’ll come a day in your fish keeping hobby when you want to move beyond beginner fish and delve into something a little more challenging. So today we’re going to look at some intermediate aquarium fish species that have at least one factor that is outside the norm of your typical Read More

How to Keep Predator Fish

4 years ago admin 0
Keeping Predator Fish A lot of people like to keep predator fish as pets as they are low maintenance, and because it can be extremely relaxing to watch them move around in the aquarium. Many first time fish enthusiasts prefer to keep cold water fish, due to the fact that they are inexpensive and the Read More

Keeping Bettas, aka Siamese Fighting Fish

4 years ago admin 0
Characteristics of The Best Betta Fish Tanks Bettas are among the most interesting and low-maintenance fish you can keep. And their ability to breathe atmospheric oxygen and live in very small volumes of water allows them to be housed in a variety of small aquaria that can complement any home or office. However, there are Read More

Colorful Tropical Fish

4 years ago admin 0
Most colorful tropical fish Colorful Tropical Fish. There’s an incredible variety of fish within the aquatic world to choose from. Many colorful freshwater fish are compatible with one another as tank mates. So this allows the hobbyists to create a rainbow of colors within their aquariums. In this video I will be looking into the Read More

How to Breed Bristlenose Plecos

6 years ago admin 0
Breeding Bristlenose Bristlenose Breeding breeding bristlenose. So today we are going to talk about breeding bristlenose. Now I know I’ve been doing multiple videos on breeding so you are thinking what makes you the sex expert. Well I have no idea. I just know a little bit and I’m just gonna try to share with Read More

Aggressive Aquarium Fish Top 10

6 years ago admin 0
The Oscar is an aggressive fish. The Snakehead is an invasive, aggressive fish. The Red bellied Piranha is the most aggreessive fish. Aggressive aquarium fish Aquarium hobbyists often make the mistake of keeping wrong tank mates that often fight or kill the other fish. It happens when you keep an aggressive fish in the aquarium. Read More

Beginner Rainbow Fish Top Five

6 years ago admin 0
Top 5 Beginner Rainbow fish Today we’re going to be looking at the top 5 best beginner rainbow fish. Or basically just an excuse for me to film some rainbow fish. So stay tuned. We’ll start out real quick with just some real easy basic tips on how to get the best color from your Read More

Online Selling Is Killing the Aquatic Hobby and Industry

6 years ago admin 0
Is Online Selling Killing the Aquatic Industry and Fishkeeping Hobby? Is online selling of aquarium goods killing the industry? This is a question that is coming up more and more frequently within aquatic community and I don’t mean people selling online corals. I am talking about the dry goods such as filters, aquariums things like Read More