
How to Keep Predator Fish

4 years ago admin 0
Keeping Predator Fish A lot of people like to keep predator fish as pets as they are low maintenance, and because it can be extremely relaxing to watch them move around in the aquarium. Many first time fish enthusiasts prefer to keep cold water fish, due to the fact that they are inexpensive and the Read More

Keeping Bettas, aka Siamese Fighting Fish

4 years ago admin 0
Characteristics of The Best Betta Fish Tanks Bettas are among the most interesting and low-maintenance fish you can keep. And their ability to breathe atmospheric oxygen and live in very small volumes of water allows them to be housed in a variety of small aquaria that can complement any home or office. However, there are Read More

Colorful Tropical Fish

5 years ago admin 0
Most colorful tropical fish Colorful Tropical Fish. There’s an incredible variety of fish within the aquatic world to choose from. Many colorful freshwater fish are compatible with one another as tank mates. So this allows the hobbyists to create a rainbow of colors within their aquariums. In this video I will be looking into the Read More